Suffering Succotash
A Picky Eater's Quest
to Understand Why We Hate
The Foods We Hate
Suffering Succotash is a wide-angle look into the world of picky eating, told by a writer who’s been in the culinary trenches. With wit and charm, through visits to laboratories specializing in genetic analysis, attempts to infiltrate the inner workings of a “feeding” clinic, and interviews with fellow picky eaters and adventurous foodies young and old, Stephanie explores her own food phobias and gets to the bottom of what repulses us about certain foods, what it really means to be a picky eater, and what we can do about it.
"...the perfect popular science book for a reader that doesn’t think he or she wants to read a popular science book."—ScienticAmerican.com
"Stephanie Lucianovic, a culinary school graduate, ex-cheesemonger, and food writer, understands the picky eater's pain."—BonAppetit.com
"It's a funny and fascinating ride through the world of taste-bud analysis and the biggest bugaboo of picky eaters -- 'texture violations.'”—San Jose Mercury News
Adult Non-Fiction
TarcherPerigee 2012